Polo lives in the world of our dreams! He has his very own island, lives in a comfy tree, and always has friends close at hand. In this world, snowmen never melt, you can pick a star to light your lantern, or toss your mail in the air… and the pelican postman swoops it right up! Polo loves this joyful, fanciful world and is determined to safeguard it. He is the good-hearted guardian of a land that symbolizes a child’s dream world.
Based on the stories written by Régis Faller.

Directed by Caroline Origer

2016/ Preschool – TV series/ 104 x 6’/ HD Digital 2D/ Adventure – Comedy

Prod.: Fabrique d’Images / Bayard Jeunesse Animation

© Fabrique d’Images (LU)    /  Bayard Jeunesse Animation (FR) /   Canal + (FR)

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